Hey guys! I know I haven't posted since last year. I'm so sorry for the lack of content. I just really wanted to take a break from blogging and just wasn't in the mood to write anything. I wasn't planning on going this long with updating but time goes by so fast. I wanted you guys to know that I'm updating my other book blog I told you about months ago. For those of you who don't know, I started a second book blog last year because I kind of wanted to start over and make a completely different blog with a better, more professional look. The site isn't completely finished yet, I still have a lot to do. But I wanted you guys to know that I will be updating that site very soon and I will be transitioning to that website from now on. I still love this blog but I like the look of my new one so much more! I am still going to keep this blog up so anyone/including myself can look at my old posts/reviews. I love this blog, I've had this website since 2013 and it means so much to me. I also put in so much time making this site and I've changed the look of it so many times. So if you want to still follow me and see my future posts, please head over to my new site. I will put the link down below. You can either follow my new blog through email on my site, or you can follow me on bloglovin. Anyway, I'm sorry for the lack of content but I really needed the break and now I am better than ever now. I am going to start posting again now. Thank you so much for following me and reading my post. You guys are the best! I hope you will continue to support me on my new site. It stinks that I have to start over but I really wanted a change and I hope you understand. Thanks so much, I love you!!
New Site-https://hoppyfroggy77.wixsite.com/thebookhopper
Booked With Steph
I'm Steph! I'm a book editor/beta reader. I write posts about books and editing.
Saturday, August 3, 2019
Thursday, November 8, 2018
Book Review: The Woman in the Window
"The Woman in the Window" by A.J. Finn
Publication Date-January 2, 2018
Genre-Adult, Mystery, Thriller
BOTM Hardcover-431 Pages
Rating-5/5 Lily Pads
Would I Recommend It? Yes!!!
No Spoilers!!
Hey everyone! How are you? I hope you're doing well. I have a new review for you. Today I am reviewing a book that was my very first adult thriller book. That book is "The Woman in the Window". This was an amazing thriller! Let's talk about it!
Okay, let's start with the plot of the book. I thought the plot was amazing and it's what drew me to this book in the first place. I've never read a book where the main character suffers from Agoraphobia. The plot really intrigued me because the main character, Anna spends her days indoors and she spies on her neighbors. I've never read a book like this before so I was very intrigued. I read the flap but I didn't want to know too much about the book because it's best to go into thrillers blind.
I'll admit that I wasn't a huge fan of the writing in the beginning because I thought it was kind of confusing. But then after I continued the writing became easier to read. You just have to get used to the writing. This book doesn't have a lot of dialogue since your reading from Anna's pov and she stays in her house. I honestly thought the writing was beautiful. He's pretty descriptive but I just really liked the writing. It made the book easy to read.
I can't believe this is his first novel! You have to be really talented to write a good thriller and he did a fantastic job! Of course the pacing is going to be slow because you follow her day to day life indoors but I didn't find it boring at all. It was really interesting and there were times where I couldn't put it down. The book really gripped me and it kept me at the edge of my seat, I was so hooked! The ending was more fast paced because a lot gets revealed. I was captivated by every sentence and every word.
I actually really like the cover. It describes the book pretty well. It's very vague and that's how the book is.
I really liked all of the characters. Anna was so interesting to read about. I like reading books about mental health. Anna suffers from Agoraphobia and depression and it was so fun and also depressing reading from her pov but I loved it. I really liked her, she is a nice person and very caring. I felt sorry for her because of her family and what she has to go through every day. I also thought it was cool that she is a child psychologist. I just really liked her and her character development at the end was amazing! I liked her other neighbors, they were interesting to read about. I really liked Ethan, he was an intriguing character.
Plot Twists/Ending-5/5
Like I said before, this was my first adult thriller so the plot twists blew me away! I didn't see them coming at all and when they did, I was so shocked! This book made me think a lot. I kept wondering if I should believe Anna or not. She drinks a lot and always takes drugs so she suffers from hallucinations so you don't know if she's telling the truth or not. The ending was amazing! I'm not going to say anything else because I don't want you to get spoiled.
Overall Thoughts
This book was so good!! It's definitely one of the best books I've read in 2018. I need to read more thrillers now. I will totally read the author's next book someday. If you love thrillers I definitely recommend this book, it was so amazing! I think it's a great starter book if your getting into the genre. I think everyone should pick up this book, and it's worth a buy. Obviously I gave the book 5/5 Lily Pads. I would love to reread it right now but I need to read my TBR books.
So that was my review. As always, thank you so much for reading. Have a great day and keep reading!! :)
Saturday, October 13, 2018
Mini Review Mashup
Hey guys! It's been a while since I last posted. I've still been reading, I've just been too lazy to write reviews. Since I just finished three books, I'm going to tell you my opinions on them.
The first book I finished recently was:"Always and Forever, Lara Jean" by Jenny Han. I gave this book 4/5 Lily Pads. I really enjoyed it and it was a great conclusion. I didn't love it but I'm not a huge fan of the series like everyone else is. I still really enjoyed this series and I'm glad I finally finished it.
Next I read "Torn and "Ascend" both by Amanda Hocking. I started this series years ago and I needed to finish it. I gave both books 4/5 Lily pads. I really enjoyed reading both books. The last book is definitely my favorite in the series. I really liked all the characters, especially Wendy and Loki. It was a great series, I highly recommend it. I can't wait to read the Kanin Chronicles next by her.
Sorry these reviews were so short. I didn't have much to say about them. My reviews are always spoiler-free so I didn't want to give anything away. Sorry I haven't been posting lately. I'm starting to get back into reading more now and I'm finally out of my reading slump so I will be back more frequently now. Thank you for reading and sticking with me. Have a great day and I will see you next time!
The first book I finished recently was:"Always and Forever, Lara Jean" by Jenny Han. I gave this book 4/5 Lily Pads. I really enjoyed it and it was a great conclusion. I didn't love it but I'm not a huge fan of the series like everyone else is. I still really enjoyed this series and I'm glad I finally finished it.
Next I read "Torn and "Ascend" both by Amanda Hocking. I started this series years ago and I needed to finish it. I gave both books 4/5 Lily pads. I really enjoyed reading both books. The last book is definitely my favorite in the series. I really liked all the characters, especially Wendy and Loki. It was a great series, I highly recommend it. I can't wait to read the Kanin Chronicles next by her.
Sorry these reviews were so short. I didn't have much to say about them. My reviews are always spoiler-free so I didn't want to give anything away. Sorry I haven't been posting lately. I'm starting to get back into reading more now and I'm finally out of my reading slump so I will be back more frequently now. Thank you for reading and sticking with me. Have a great day and I will see you next time!
Thursday, August 23, 2018
Books I've Read Recently!
Hi everyone! I know I haven't posted in like two months. Honestly, I've just been too lazy to post. I've still been reading but 2018 is definitely my worst reading year. I haven't been reading much this year and I feel horrible about it. So I'm going to share with you all the books I've read in the past two months.
So those were all the books I read in the past couple of months. I know I didn't read that many books. I wanna try to read a lot during the second half of 2018. Thank you so much for reading this update post. I hope you are having a great reading year! Have a great day and happy reading! :)
- The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang. Ever since I first discovered this book last year I've been so excited to read it! I can honestly say that this book is worth all the hype. I loved it so much!! 5/5 Lily Pads
- The Deal by Elle Kennedy. This is another book I've wanted to read for a long time. I actually read this book for a readathon. I really enjoyed it and I'm glad I finally read it! 4/5 Lily Pads
- The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan. So I read this book way back in 2013 and I didn't love it. I wasn't much of a fantasy reader back then. I'm so glad I gave this book a second try because I ended up loving it the second time around. This book was so fun and amazing! I can't wait to continue the series. 5/5 Lily Pads
So those were all the books I read in the past couple of months. I know I didn't read that many books. I wanna try to read a lot during the second half of 2018. Thank you so much for reading this update post. I hope you are having a great reading year! Have a great day and happy reading! :)
Monday, June 11, 2018
Update and a Mini Review for "To Kill A Kingdom"
Hey guys! I know it's been a month since I last posted. I didn't realize it's been that long, lol! I haven't been reading as much because I've been busy working two jobs. I wanted to let you know that I am still reading. I recently dnf-ed a book and didn't want to write a review for it because I only write reviews for books that I've fully completed. Anyway, the book I didn't finish was "War Storm" by Victoria Aveyard. I love the "Red Queen" series but this book was hard for me to get through and I spoiled myself by reading reviews, and I found out this book wasn't worth finishing. Spoilers!!
It has a really stupid ending. I got about halfway through the book when I saw the spoilers and they were so bad, I decided I didn't want to waste my time reading this big, boring book so I officially put it down. If you don't wanna get spoiled please go down to the next paragraph. Basically, "War Storm" has no official ending, it's basically open-ended and I hate books like that! Nothing was resolved, a favorite character of mine dies and my favorite couple doesn't even end up together! I was so mad and I'm warning you not to read "War Storm" because you will be disappointed with the ending and don't waste your time reading that huge book because there's no ending.
Anyway, let me update you on the last book I read. So I just recently finished "To Kill A Kingdom" by Alexandra Christo. It was pretty good, I gave it 4/5 Lily Pads. I really don't feel like writing a full review for it because I don't have much to say about it. So I'm going to give you a quick review here right now.
So I really enjoyed the book. It was a good, dark, retelling of "The Little Mermaid" with sirens in it. I love any books with mermaids and sirens and this book didn't disappoint me. At first I wasn't a huge fan of the main characters but after awhile they grew on me. I liked the setting too. The reason why I knocked down a rating is just because it wasn't amazing to me. I wasn't blown away by it but it was still a good, fun book. So yeah, overall, it was a pretty good book and you should read it if you love siren books. Like I said before, I don't have much to say about it so I'm gonna end my review here.
So that was my little update and review. I'm planning on reading "Spindle Fire" by Lexa Hillyer next because I really wanna read it but also because I checked it out from my library and I need to read it before it's due. Thank you for reading this update and stay tuned for more posts. Have a great day and happy reading! :)
Saturday, May 12, 2018
Book Review: Rogue

"Rogue" by Julie Kagawa(Talon #2)
Publication Date-April 28, 2015
Genre-Young Adult, Dystopian, Romance
Hardcover Edition-444 Pages
Rating-5/5 Lily Pads
Would I Recommend It? Yes! If you liked the first book, you have to read this sequel!
No Spoilers!!
Hey there, I am back with a new review! Today I am reviewing a sequel to an amazing book I read years ago. That book is "Rogue" which is the sequel to "Talon" written by one of my favorite authors. This was an amazing sequel! This is going to be a quick review since this is the second book in a series, and my reviews are spoiler-free so there's not much I can about this book without spoiling you. Let's get on to the review.
I'll admit that this book doesn't have much of a plot. It's basically just about the main protagonist, Ember running away from the government and they are trying to get her back. I love this series so much so I had to give the plot a perfect rating. Also, this series has dragons in it, so how could I not give it a high rating.
Julie is one of my top favorite authors. I love her writing! She's just an amazing writer and storyteller.
The pacing is the reason why I loved this sequel so much! This book literally had non-stop action on every page. Pretty much every page they were either running away or fighting someone and it was awesome! I couldn't put this book down and this book always kept me at the edge of my seat the whole time. There was never a dull moment in this book. I was captivated by every page. I was also home from work most of the week because I injured both of my knees. So I was able to fly through this book in four days which is good for me because I'm a slow reader.
I love all of the covers in this series. They are just so cool! All of her books have amazing covers so I'm probably just biased, lol.
Julie has an amazing talent at making you love all of her characters. The characters in this series are awesome! Also, this book is written in multiple pov's so you really get attached to the characters. I love Ember, she is such a kick butt character. I also love Garret so much! He is such a nice guy and I am Team Garret all the way, since the first book. I just think him and Ember are meant for each other. I do like Riley though, he's a great character too. I see him as just a friend to Ember even though most people like him more than Garret. As for Dante, I like him but I don't know what his motives are. Is he supposed to be good or bad? I think I like him just because he's Ember's brother.
Overall Thoughts
This book was absolute perfection. Every single book I read from Julie, I love. It's just not possible for me to hate her books. Overall, this was an amazing sequel. I read the first book years ago so I don't really remember it that much, but I think I like this book better. However, I hated the ending of this book so I'm a little worried about the third book, but I also can't wait to read it. I need to know what happens next. If you love dragons and haven't read this series yet, what are you waiting for? This series is so cool and unique, you have to give it a try. Also, I really recommend her "Iron Fey" series. That's one of my favorite series so you should read it too. Anyway, that was my review. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this review. I really appreciate it. Have a great day and happy reading! :)
Saturday, April 28, 2018
Book Review: The Dragon's Curse
"The Dragon's Curse" by Bethany Wiggins(Transference series #2)
Publication Date-February 6, 2018
Genre-Young Adult, Fantasy, Romance
Hardcover Edition-336 Pages
Rating-4/5 Lily Pads
Would I Recommend It? Yes, if you liked the first book
No Spoilers!!
Publication Date-February 6, 2018
Genre-Young Adult, Fantasy, Romance
Hardcover Edition-336 Pages
Rating-4/5 Lily Pads
Would I Recommend It? Yes, if you liked the first book
No Spoilers!!
Hey guys! I feel like I haven't posted in weeks. I've been busy the past month because I just got a new job at Barnes & Noble and I love it! So since I'm working two jobs right now, I don't have as much time to read. I'm getting out of my reading slump and I want to read more again. So this review is going to be a quick one because I don't have much to say about this book since it's a sequel. Let's get on to the review!
The plot for this book was pretty good.
I really enjoy the author's writing.
The pacing was awesome. The book kept me interested the whole time and it was never boring.
I like this cover better than the first book but I don't love these covers.
I still love the characters in this series. They are wonderful and I love them so much!
Overall Thoughts
Overall, this was a great sequel but I didn't love it as much as the first book which is why I gave it 4/5 Lily Pads. I still really enjoyed this book and I can't wait for the third book when it comes out next year. If you haven't read this series yet you should because it's really good and underrated. So yeah that was my short, quick review. I apologize for making this review short but I don't have much to say about this book. Thank you so much if your reading this review. Also I just read "The Darkest Part of the Forest" by Holly Black but I didn't finish it so that's another reason why I haven't posted in a while. So yeah, I will be starting a new book soon so stay tuned for more posts coming soon. Like I said before, I'm working more hours now so I won't have as much time to post as I used to, but I will try my best to keep you updated. Have a great day and happy reading!:)
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