"Rogue" by Julie Kagawa(Talon #2)
Publication Date-April 28, 2015
Genre-Young Adult, Dystopian, Romance
Hardcover Edition-444 Pages
Rating-5/5 Lily Pads
Would I Recommend It? Yes! If you liked the first book, you have to read this sequel!
No Spoilers!!
Hey there, I am back with a new review! Today I am reviewing a sequel to an amazing book I read years ago. That book is "Rogue" which is the sequel to "Talon" written by one of my favorite authors. This was an amazing sequel! This is going to be a quick review since this is the second book in a series, and my reviews are spoiler-free so there's not much I can about this book without spoiling you. Let's get on to the review.
I'll admit that this book doesn't have much of a plot. It's basically just about the main protagonist, Ember running away from the government and they are trying to get her back. I love this series so much so I had to give the plot a perfect rating. Also, this series has dragons in it, so how could I not give it a high rating.
Julie is one of my top favorite authors. I love her writing! She's just an amazing writer and storyteller.
The pacing is the reason why I loved this sequel so much! This book literally had non-stop action on every page. Pretty much every page they were either running away or fighting someone and it was awesome! I couldn't put this book down and this book always kept me at the edge of my seat the whole time. There was never a dull moment in this book. I was captivated by every page. I was also home from work most of the week because I injured both of my knees. So I was able to fly through this book in four days which is good for me because I'm a slow reader.
I love all of the covers in this series. They are just so cool! All of her books have amazing covers so I'm probably just biased, lol.
Julie has an amazing talent at making you love all of her characters. The characters in this series are awesome! Also, this book is written in multiple pov's so you really get attached to the characters. I love Ember, she is such a kick butt character. I also love Garret so much! He is such a nice guy and I am Team Garret all the way, since the first book. I just think him and Ember are meant for each other. I do like Riley though, he's a great character too. I see him as just a friend to Ember even though most people like him more than Garret. As for Dante, I like him but I don't know what his motives are. Is he supposed to be good or bad? I think I like him just because he's Ember's brother.
Overall Thoughts
This book was absolute perfection. Every single book I read from Julie, I love. It's just not possible for me to hate her books. Overall, this was an amazing sequel. I read the first book years ago so I don't really remember it that much, but I think I like this book better. However, I hated the ending of this book so I'm a little worried about the third book, but I also can't wait to read it. I need to know what happens next. If you love dragons and haven't read this series yet, what are you waiting for? This series is so cool and unique, you have to give it a try. Also, I really recommend her "Iron Fey" series. That's one of my favorite series so you should read it too. Anyway, that was my review. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this review. I really appreciate it. Have a great day and happy reading! :)
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