"Awake at Dawn" by C.C. Hunter(Shadow Falls #2)
Publication Date-October 11, 2011
Genre-Young Adult, Paranormal, Fantasy, Romance
Paperback Edition-383 Pages
Rating-4/5 Lily Pads
Would I Recommend It? Yes if you liked the first book.
Beware of Spoilers!!
Hey guys, I'm back with a review. I am reviewing the second book in the "Shadow Falls" series. I just read the first book and really enjoyed it. The book ended on a cliffhanger so I really wanted to dive into the next book. I'm glad I did because I really enjoyed this book, it was a good sequel. Let's get on to the review.
There wasn't much of a plot. It was basically just about Kylie trying to figure out what she is and just some boy drama. Not much happens which is why I gave it a lower rating. It was entertaining and I was never bored while reading it though so I thought I would give the plot a generous rating.
I'm still giving the setting a perfect rating because I love where these books take place. I love being at the camp, it's so cool!
I like the author's writing but it's not anything special. She's good at writing dialogue though so I gave it a higher rating.
Even though I said this book is slower than the first book, I never found it boring. The whole book is enjoyable. The second half was amazing though! The second half had so much action especially towards the end of the book. I'm not gonna lie, I think the reason why I found the first half kind of slow is because Lucas wasn't in the book until the second half. I love Lucas and reading about Kylie and Derek wasn't as entertaining.
Just like with the first book, I love this cover. I actually love all of the covers. I think they are gorgeous.
You're probably wondering why I didn't give the characters a full five. I'll get to that in a minute. I'm not going to go into much detail about the characters because I explained my feelings for them in my review for the first book. I still love Kylie, she's a great main character. I still love all the side characters like, Miranda, Della and Perry. I totally ship Holiday and Burnett. I still love Lucas, he is my dream guy and he stole my heart even more in this book! So the reason why I didn't give the characters a perfect rating is because of Derek. For those of you who've read this book, you'll understand why. I really liked Derek in the first book, but I started to dislike him in this book. I didn't like the way he treated Kylie. She didn't want to be more than friends with him yet because she has to think about which guy she likes better. (You guys should know I'm totally Team Lucas by the way) and I don't ship her with Derek at all. Anyway, he didn't like that she needed more time so he just took off, ignored her and stopped talking to her. Like seriously? This is your friend, why would you treat her that way? You can still talk to her and be around her. So yeah, that's why I don't like him anymore. I can write a book on why I love Lucas. I was reading a lot of pages of "Team Derek or Team Lucas" and I was surprised to see that a lot of people are Team Derek and I'm like, why? I don't get it, Lucas is so much better and he treats her so much better! He would never intentionally ignore her or stop talking to her. Anyway, Derek is not a bad guy but I just hated that he did that. Maybe he will redeem himself in the third book.
The ending of this book was amazing! There was so much action and it ends on a cliffhanger. I can't wait to see where this series goes.
Overall Thoughts
"Awake at Dawn" was a great sequel. I'm really liking this series. I can't wait to read the third book. I'm not sure when I'll read it though, because there's so many other books I wanna get to this month in December. Stay tuned for a review for "Taken at Dusk". If you liked the first book, you should pick this one up, it's definitely worth a buy. So that was my review. Thank you so much as always for taking the time to read my posts. I really appreciate it. You guys are the best! Thank you and stick around for more posts coming soon. Bye and happy reading! :)
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