Friday, February 24, 2017

Book Review: King's Cage

"King's Cage" by Victoria Aveyard(Red Queen series #3)

Genre-Young Adult, Fantasy, Dystopia, Science Fiction

Hardcover Edition-528 Pages

5/5 Lily Pads

Would I Recommend It? Yes! If you loved the first two, you'll love this book!
No Spoilers!!

Hey guys, I'm back with a review. So right after I finished "Glass Sword" I decided to continue on and read "King's Cage" because I was dying to know what happens. This book took me 5 days to read but that's okay because I really enjoyed it. 

Like with all my other sequel reviews, I'm not going to describe the plot because I don't wanna spoil it for those who have not read this book yet. Let's get on to my opinion. 

I was surprised by how much I loved "Glass Sword". A lot of readers said it was a very slow, boring book. I didn't think that at all, and I was so excited to read "King's Cage". I really liked "King's Cage". I liked it better than the second book. I don't have too much to say about this book so I'm going to just say some of my opinions on the book. I was excited to read this one because I heard that Maven is in this book more. Yes, I know it's twisted of me, but I just love his character. I love reading about the evil characters in books. It makes the book so interesting. But as much as I love Maven, I do not ship him with Mare. I'm still team Cal all the way, even after what happened at the end of the book. I just love Cal and I always will. I love his relationship with Mare. They are awesome together. I loved reading about Mare being a prisoner in Maven's castle. I still love Mare, she's a great protagonist. I love the side characters like Farley, Cameron, Evangeline and so on. I liked reading from their pov's but I really wish we got Cal and Maven's perspectives. I wanna get in their head and read their thoughts. I obviously love Mare's family. So yeah my opinions are the same as the first two books. Overall, this was a great book. I really love this series and I can't wait to read the last book that comes out next year. This series is definitely worth reading, go buy yourself a copy. I obviously gave this book 5/5 Lily Pads because it was awesome and it wasn't slow at all. Thank you so much for reading and I will have more posts coming soon so stay tuned. Happy reading! :)

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