Genre-Young Adult, Fantasy, Dystopia, Science Fiction
Hardcover Edition-440
5/5 Lily Pads
Would I Recommend It? If you loved the first book read this one!
Favorite Quotes:
"No heart can ever be truly understood. Not even your own"
“No one is born evil, just like no one is born alone. They become that way, through choice and circumstance.”
No Spoilers!!
Hey guys. I'm back with a review. Today I am reviewing the first book I read in February which is "Glass Sword". I read "Red Queen" when it first came out and loved it but never got to "Glass Sword" until now. I'm so glad I finally read this book. It was a great sequel.
Like with my other series reviews, I'm not going to describe the plot here because I don't want to spoil this book for anyone that hasn't read the first book. So let's just get on to my thoughts.
My Opinion
I really enjoyed this book. I didn't love it as much as "Red Queen" but it was still a great sequel. I really like Victoria's writing, she's a great writer. The only thing that bothered me with this book was, she told the whole story instead of showing it. There were mostly paragraphs of description and Mare's thoughts. There wasn't a lot of dialogue and that bothered me because I love dialogue in books more than action and the character's thoughts. Other than that the book was fine. I still really love the world. The whole premise of red bloods and silver bloods is so cool and unique. Based on reviews a lot of people thought this book was slow and boring. I disagree. I didn't think it was slow at all and I loved that this book focused more on character development. I was never bored and the pacing was great. I really loved all the characters in this book. Of course I love Mare, she's a great character. Some people don't like her because she's very flawed but I love that about her. She's a very realistic character. I wish we had more characters like that in YA. Obviously I'm still Team Cal, I loved him since the first book and I still love him so much. I have a love-hate relationship with Maven. If you read these books, you'll know why, I'm not gonna spoil anything. I hated that we got like no Maven in this book, he was barely in it. I guess "King's Cage" makes up for that. All the side characters I loved and I'm not going to name all of them because there's too many. I love the Scarlet Guard Squad. There is a death in this book and it crushed me a lot. I really think it wasn't necessary. There was another death that I was happy about.
I didn't have too much to say about this book so I'm going to wrap it up here. Overall, I really enjoyed this book. It was a great sequel. If your hesitant about reading this one, definitely pick it up, I think it was worth the read. If you haven't read "Red Queen" yet what are you doing? If you love Fantasy or Dystopian books give this series a try. It's an amazing series and these books are definitely worth a buy too. I can't wait to read "King's Cage" to find out what happens. Stay tuned for a review for that one. I give "Glass Sword" 5/5 Lily Pads. Thank you so much for reading and stay tuned for more posts coming soon. Happy reading! :)
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