"Unhinged" by A.G. Howard(Splintered #2)
Publication Date- January 6, 2015
Genre-Young Adult, Fantasy, Retellings, Romance
Paperback Edition-418 Pages
Rating- 5/5 Lily Pads
Would I recommend it? If you loved the first book, you should read this one!
No Spoilers!!
Favorite Quotes:
Page 197- "So, do you see now? he asks. "Why she doesn't want you driving that car? It's too easy, when you have unharnessed power at your fingertips, to forget you're not invincible. To make rash decisions that can affect your whole future."
Page 252- "Had it been anyone other than the boy who bled himself dry for you in Wonderland," he answers. "I would have killed him with my bare hands-no magic required."
Page 290- "I've often wished he could replace all those bad memories with the good ones we've made together since. But now, more than ever, I realize how important every memory is, bad or good, because they shape who we become."
Hey guys. So I just finished "Unhinged" today and really enjoyed it. It's a great sequel. This review is going to be short because I don't have much too say without spoiling anything. I hope you enjoy it.
The Plot-5/5
Even though this book doesn't take place in Wonderland like the first book, I still enjoyed the plot. I liked that it was more slow paced because we got to see Alyssa's normal life in our world.
The Writing-5/5
Just like with the first book, I love her writing style. It's just so wonderful, that's all I can say about it.
The Pacing-5/5
Even though "Unhinged" wasn't as fast paced as the first book, the pacing was still perfect. I was never bored at all. The first half was just as good as the second half.
The Cover-5/5
Obviously I love the cover of this book. It's purple which is my favorite color. It's definitely my favorite cover out of the three and Morpheus is on it so how could I not love it?:)
The World-5/5
This book takes place in our world but I'm still going to give it a perfect rating because I love this series.
The Characters-5/5
I absolutely love the characters in this series! They are so amazing and well developed. I liked Alyssa in "Splintered" but I love her even more. She's just a great character. I still love Jeb, he's such a sweetheart. I love his relationship with Alyssa. I also love Morpheus too. Yes, I still don't completely trust him, but his loyalty to Alyssa is incredible. The love triangle is so hard for me. I love both guys and want her to end up with both of them. However, I'm more Team Morpheus now, I want her to be with him but if she ends up with Jeb I'll still be happy because I love him too. I love Al's Mom and Dad.
I had fun reading this book. It was very enjoyable. The way she writes is so amazing. She makes it so easy to picture everything in your head and I felt like I was watching a movie while reading this book. Overall, I loved this book.
Since I gave all the categories a perfect rating, my overall rating for this book is 5/5 Lily Pads just like "Splintered". This book was a great sequel. It was just as good as the first book. If you haven't read this series yet you need to. It's so unique and wonderful! These books are definitely worth a buy. This book ended on a cliffhanger so I'm planning on diving into the last book soon. I need to know what happens. Stay tuned for a review for "Ensnared" coming soon. That was my review, thank you so much for reading, and happy reading!
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