"Ensnared" by A.G. Howard(Splintered #3)
Publication Date-January 13, 2015
Paperback Edition-416 Pages
Genre-Young Adult, Fantasy, Retellings, Romance
Rating-5/5 Lily Pads
Would I Recommend It? If you loved the other books I highly recommend this one!
No Spoilers!!
Favorite Quotes:
Page 1-"I once thought memories were something better left behind...frozen pockets of time you could revisit for sentimental value, but more of an indulgence than a necessity. That was before I realized memories could be the key to moving forward, to recovering the fate and future of everyone you love and treasure most in the world".
"I love your faults and imperfections. Your kind heart, the scars that match mine, and the struggles to find ourselves. I want your humaness. Nothing else."
Hey bookworms. I finished "Ensnared" last night and loved it! This trilogy was amazing and it's definitely a favorite series of mine now. I'm so sad it's over. This series was an incredible journey and I'm so glad I experienced it. I have never read such a unique series before. This trilogy has a special place in my heart and it will always stand out to me.
The Plot-5/5
I really liked the plot for this book because it took place in Wonderland again. I really liked reading about the real world in "Unhinged" but I missed reading about Wonderland so of course I had to give the plot a perfect rating.
The Writing-5/5
As always, her writing style was so beautiful and amazing in this book. The way she describes Wonderland is so amazing, it's feels like your really there with Alyssa. She is definitely a favorite author of mine now, I just love her writing.
The Pacing-5/5
I thought the pacing was fine. I wouldn't say the beginning was slow but it wasn't as fast paced as the second half. I think I just read this book at the wrong time because I was sort of confused throughout the second half. I think it's because I read this book late at night and I was exhausted so I'm sure my brain missed a lot of details but that's okay. It wasn't the book, it was me.
The Cover-5/5
These covers are just the prettiest book covers ever! Even though my favorite cover is "Unhinged" I still love this cover. I love the red and Jeb's on it so I can't really complain :)
The World-5/5
If you've read this series you'll understand why I love the world so much. Wonderland is just such a beautiful, magical world and A.G. Howard did an amazing job with it. I had to give it a perfect rating because the world is what makes this series so unique and it really stands out from all the other Young Adult Fantasy settings.
The Characters-5/5
Obviously I have to give the characters a perfect rating because I loved them so much! They are the reason why this is one of my favorite series now. I'm not gonna go into too much detail about them because I talked about them more in my review for "Splintered". But just know that I love these characters. Alyssa is such a great protagonist. I love how loyal she is to the human realm and wonderland. She's such a sweet, strong character. Jeb is just amazing, he's such a good guy and I'm so glad he got a happy ending because he deserves it. As for Morpheus, he was definitely my favorite character in this series. I love him because his character is so cool and complex. He is actually a really good person and I love his loyalty to Wonderland and Alyssa. I am so glad he finally got his happy ending with his one true love. I loved the ending so much. I'm not gonna say what happens but the ending was just perfect. I love Allie's parents and I'm so happy for them.
Just like with the other two this book was so much fun to read. I just loved these books, they were so easy to read and I found myself getting lost in the world so easily. It's hard to explain but it's just such a fun read.
My overall rating for this book is 5/5 Lily Pads since all the categories got perfect ratings. This trilogy was just so perfect, I'm so glad I finally read it and I can't believe I waited so long. If you haven't read this series yet, you need to. It is the most unique series you'll ever read in your life. These books are worth a buy not just because of the gorgeous covers but because the insides are just as amazing. I definitely want to read "Untamed" some time but I don't know when I'll get to it because I'm on a book buying ban right now. I can't wait to read her other books, "Roseblood "and "The Architect of Song." She is now one of my favorite authors and I can't wait to see what else she comes out with. That was my review. I'm sorry this review is up late. I wanted to finish the book sooner but I haven't been reading as much this week. Thank you so much for reading this review. Stay tuned for more coming soon and happy reading! :)
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