Hey there! I know it's been a couple of weeks since I last posted. I haven't been writing because I haven't finished a book since "Wait For You". I've been reading "City of Heavenly Fire" for a month and I finally finished it today. Since I'm finally done with the series, I'm going to do a full series review because I read most of the books years ago and I never wrote reviews for them. This whole review is spoiler free by the way. So here you go, here is my opinion for the "Mortal Instruments" series by Cassandra Clare.
"City of Bones" by Cassandra Clare
Genre-Young Adult, Urban Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance
Hardcover Edition-485 pages
Rating: 5/5 Lily Pads
Would I Recommend it? Yes!
When fifteen-year-old Clary Fray heads out to the Pandemonium Club in New York City, she hardly expects to witness a murder― much less a murder committed by three teenagers covered with strange tattoos and brandishing bizarre weapons. Then the body disappears into thin air. It's hard to call the police when the murderers are invisible to everyone else and when there is nothing―not even a smear of blood―to show that a boy has died. Or was he a boy?
This is Clary's first meeting with the Shadowhunters, warriors dedicated to ridding the earth of demons. It's also her first encounter with Jace, a Shadowhunter who looks a little like an angel and acts a lot like a jerk. Within twenty-four hours Clary is pulled into Jace's world with a vengeance, when her mother disappears and Clary herself is attacked by a demon. But why would demons be interested in ordinary mundanes like Clary and her mother? And how did Clary suddenly get the Sight? The Shadowhunters would like to know...
I read "City of Bones" my senior year of High School. I remember I heard about it and it was a popular series at the time. I decided to borrow it from the library because I wanted to give this book a try and I'm so glad I did. I really loved this book! Since I read this book in 2012, right when I first discovered booktube I don't remember much about it. I don't remember how I felt about this book. I just remember loving it and really liking the characters. I guess I loved it enough to pick up the second book.
"City of Ashes" by Cassandra Clare
Paperback Edition-453 pages
Rating: 5/5 Lily Pads
Would I Recommend It? Yes! This book and the first one are definitely my favorites in the series. If you liked "City of Bones" you'll love this one, it's even better.
After reading the first book I eventually continued on. I remember really enjoying this book too. I loved the first book but I thought this book was even better, it was a great sequel.
"City of Glass" by Cassandra Clare
Paperback Edition-541 pages
Rating-4/5 Lily Pads
Would I Recommend It? Yes
So after reading the second book I decided to dive into the third book. Unfortunately I didn't love this one as much as the other two. I still liked it but I remember I was bored at times and the plot dragged a lot in my opinion. That's why I rated it a 4 instead of 5. I feel like if I reread this book now I would like it better because I didn't read much Fantasy back then.
"City of Fallen Angels" by Cassandra Clare
Paperback Edition-424 pages
Rating-4/5 Lily Pads
Would I Recommend It? I would still recommend it even though this was the weakest book in the series
After a while I finally picked up this book. I don't really remember much about this book. I remember this book was a struggle to get through. I just found this book so boring and the plot was really slow. I made myself finish it and I'm so glad I did. This one is definitely my least favorite in the series.
"City of Lost Souls" by Cassandra Clare
Hardcover Edition-535 pages
Rating: 5/5 Lily Pads
Would I Recommend It? Yes!
Even though I didn't love the fourth book, I'm so glad I continued on with the series. I read this book pretty recently and I loved it! It was so much better than "City of Fallen Angels". I thought this book was amazing and I really like Sebastian's character.
"City of Heavenly Fire" by Cassandra Clare
Hardcover Edition-725 pages
Rating: 5/5 Lily Pads
Would I Recommend it? Yes! This book was an amazing conclusion.
Okay, now we're down to the very last book in this series. It honestly breaks my heart that this series is over. This series really means a lot to me because I've been reading this series for five years. And now that's it's finally over, it just makes me feel bittersweet. I'm really going to miss these characters. Thank God for the TV show. I really love the show, it's amazing so far! This book was just so amazing. It took me a month to read this book, but it was worth it and I loved the journey and adventure it took me on. The pacing was great, I was never bored and the book never dragged. This book gave me lots of feels. It made me happy but it also made me cry at times. I loved that my favorite characters from the "Infernal Devices" made an appearance in this book. That was such a treat. But I'm not ready to leave this amazing world yet. I loved the new characters that were introduced. Emma and Julian were amazing! I already love them and can't wait to read their story in the "Dark Artifices" trilogy. I loved Julian's family too. I can't wait to read "The Bane Chronicles", "Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy" and then finally "Lady Midnight". Stay tuned for reviews for those books. I'm not sure when I'll be reading them, hopefully some time this year in 2017. Before I leave you and end this review, here are some of my favorite quotes from the book.
"But she has the Blackthorns. She doesn't have anyone else, no aunts or uncles, no one to take her in, but the Blackthorns will. So she'll have to learn what you did: that family isn't blood. It's the people who love you. The people who have your back. Like the Lightwoods did for you"-Page 111
"And she wept for herself and the changes that had been wrought in her, because sometimes even changes for the better felt like a little death" -Page 651
"When Julian looked at her like that, like she was brilliant and amazing, it made the missing-her-parents ache in her heart a little less. There was something about having someone care about you like that that made you feel like you could never be totally alone"-Page 652
"Yes," Magnus said. "Clary was born special. Simon here had specialness thrust upon him. He adapted. Because the world isn't divided into the special and the ordinary. Everyone has the potential to be extraordinary. As long as you have a soul and free will, you can be anything, do anything, choose anything. Simon should get to choose"-Page 691
"There will always be those who want to tell you who you are based on your name or the blood in your veins. Do not let other people decide who you are. Decide for yourself. That freedom is not a gift; it is a birthright."-Page 717
So yeah, that was my full series review for this amazing series. Thank you so much for reading this long review. If you haven't picked up this series yet, what are you waiting for? I highly recommend this series to everyone, it's so wonderful and incredible. I would definitely reread this series in the future, it's one of my favorites. Hopefully i'll have more posts coming up soon so stay tuned. Thanks again for reading, have a great day and happy reading! :)
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