Shiny Broken Pieces by Sona Charaipotra and Dhonielle Clayton (Tiny Pretty Things #2)
Hardcover Edition-384 Pages
Genre-Young Adult, Contemporary
5/5 Lily Pads
Would I Recommend It? Yes!!
No Spoilers!!
Hey guys I'm back with a review. This book just came out last Tuesday. I loved the first book "Tiny Pretty Things" so I couldn't wait to get my hands on this book. This book didn't disappoint me at all, it was amazing! Let's get on with the review.
I'm not going to describe the plot because I don't wanna spoil you if you haven't read the first book yet.
I really loved this book! It was such an amazing sequel. Like I said before I loved the first book, but this one was even better. This book focuses more on the girls and their problems. The writing was still amazing and the pacing was perfect. I was never bored, and I loved all the drama that happened. I just love the setting of this books. I love to dance so I love reading books about dancing. This book takes place at a Ballet school in New York and I just loved it because I love New York.
Last but not least, I wanna talk about the characters. So in the first book, I really liked the three girls. I think I liked them more in this book for some reason. I really like Bette, she's nicer than people think she is. I really love June, I think I found her the most relatable besides Gigi. In the last book my favorite character was Gigi. I still love Gigi, but she was different in this book. She wasn't the same innocent girl she used to be, she was a lot meaner in this book. However, she redeemed herself at the end of the book and returned to her nicer self and I loved that. I honestly felt bad for all the girls, they all have their struggles. I was sympathetic towards the girls more in this book.
I'm really sad that this series is over. I really loved reading about the girls and the school. The book ended really well, each girl got her happy ending. I still need more though. I want one more book but that's probably not going to happen. Overall, this book was an amazing sequel and I loved every part of it. If you haven't read this series yet, I highly recommend it. If you love dance or books about dancing I really recommend to read this series. It's so underrated and more people need to read it. That was my review, thank you so much for reading. I'll have more posts coming up soon so stay tuned. Bye! :)
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