Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie
Barnes & Noble Collectible Hardcover Edition-190 Pages
Genre-Fantasy, Middle-Grade
5/5 Lily Pads
Would I Recommend It? Yes!!
Hey guys, I'm finally back! It's been over a month since I updated this blog. I stopped posting because in June I was in a reading slump so I didn't read much. Now it's July and I'm finally out of the slump! Yay now I can read again. Anyway, today I am reviewing an amazing book which is "Peter Pan". Lately I've really been getting into Children's classics because they are so cute. I always loved the story of "Peter Pan". I've seen the movies as a kid and I just love the plot and the characters. I'm so glad I picked this book up. It was awesome!
The Plot
I'm sure you already know what this book is about. For those who don't know it is about a boy named Peter Pan. He isn't an ordinary boy, because he will always stay little. There is a place called Neverland. In Neverland you will never grow up. Peter lives In Neverland because he doesn't have a mother and also because he refuses to get older. One day he discovers three kids, Wendy, John and Michael. They always knew the story of Peter growing up and they were always intrigued by him. He meets them and decided to take them to Neverland so Wendy can tell stories to the Lost Boys. While there they discover Peter's enemy, Captain Hook. And then the story goes from there. That's the main plot.
My Opinion
Like I said before I always loved the story and nothing was a surprise for me because it was just like the 2003 movie(which I love). This book was so amazing!
I'll admit the writing style is very weird. I can't really explain it to you but it's told as if the author is telling you the story. I actually liked it, it was a very unique way of writing the book. The pacing of this book was perfect. This is a very short book, so it was a quick read.
This book is very clean. There's no romance at all, and I didn't notice any cussing either. I loved that about the book.
Now let's talk about my favorite part of the book: the characters!
I loved the characters! First of all, I loved Peter. He was so cute and cocky and just fun to read about. I totally understand why he doesn't want to grow up, I've felt that way my whole life. I absolutely love Wendy. I just love her character. She's so nice and caring and humble. She's definitely my favorite character. I also loved her brothers John and Michael, they were so cute! I loved her parents too. I loved the Lost Boys. Their personalities are just so fun to read about and I love how bubbly they are.
The plot for this book was so amazing. The author based Peter off of his brother. I love the idea of not having to grow up. That's what most of us want in life, I would love to stay a kid for the rest of my life because there's no responsibilities. I love the message of this book because Wendy wanted to grow up. She knew she had to go back home and grow up. She really wanted to be a mother.
The ending was okay. It didn't end the way I wanted it to but oh well. It was a happy ending and it was very realistic. Overall this book was so cute and I highly recommend everyone to read this book. If you love Children's classics you have to read this one. This is one of my favorite books now and I would love to read it to my future kids someday. I obviously gave it 5/5 Lily Pads. That's my review. Thank you so much for reading and supporting my blog. You are the best and stay tuned for more coming soon, bye!
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