Paperback Edition-400 Pages
Genre- Fantasy, Fairies, Young Adult
5/5 Lily Pads
Would I Recommend It? Of course!
Hey there I'm back with two reviews. The first book I am reviewing is "The Iron Knight". This is the last book in the "Iron Fey" series and I am so sad it's over because it's my new favorite series. This book is in Ash's POV and I loved it because I love Ash. He's one of my book boyfriend's. Let's get on with the review.
I'm not going to put the plot description because I don't want to spoil the whole series for those that haven't read it yet.
Of course I loved this book you guys! This series is so amazing and I loved every book. The characters are so well developed, I love all of them. Since this book is about Ash's story, Meghan wasn't in it much and I really missed her. This book made me love Ash even more because he sacrificed his whole life for Meghan. I love him because he is such a good guy and he's so sweet. I want a guy like Ash. I loved that Puck was in this book too. I love Puck, he's such an awesome character and he always makes me laugh. I felt bad for him because of what he lost but it was so nice of him to go on the journey with Ash. He's a true, loyal friend and I want a friend like him. There were some new characters introduced like Ariella, who is Ash's old love. I loved her because she was so nice and she gave up her love for Ash so he could be happy. I loved Wolf too. Basically I loved every character in this book.
The pacing was absolutely perfect, it kept me interested the whole time.
This book had some really great moments. I loved the ending, it was a great conclusion but I wish she wrote another book about Ash and Meghan. I need more of them, they are one of my OTP's.
Overall, this book was so amazing and I'm so sad that the series is over. I obviously gave this book 5/5 Lily Pads. I will be reading the "Call of the Forgotten" series soon so I can't wait to be back in this amazing world. If you loved all the other books, you have to read this one, especially if you love Ash, like I do :) That was my review, thanks so much for reading.

The Iron Legends by Julie Kagawa (Iron fey #1.5, 3.5, 4.5)
Paperback Edition-304 Pages
Genre- Fantasy, Fairies, Young Adult
5/5 Lily Pads
Would I Recommend It? If your a huge fan of this series like I am, I really recommend it!
Contains Spoilers!!
Now I am reviewing "The Iron Legends". This book is basically a bind up of all the novellas in this series. It also has a guide to the NeverNever and it also has descriptions for each character. The three novellas were originally published as ebooks but then they made this physical bind up. I think the novellas are around $2.99 as ebooks. If you wanna read them, I recommend buying the physical if you want a gorgeous book for your shelf. I own all the books in physical copy so I wanted to buy the bind up for my shelf. Anyway, let's get on with the review.
First I'm going to review the first novella, "Winter's Passage".
This novella takes place right after book one "The Iron King". Its about Meghan and Ash's journey together. I'm not gonna spoil anything, but that's the main plot for it. I really enjoyed it. I loved seeing them together because I love them as a couple. I really recommend reading this one before reading book two because it make more sense and your not left out with what happens right after the first one. So I really recommend it and I obviously gave it 5 Lily Pads.
The next novella is "Summer's Crossing". This novella takes place after the third book" The Iron Queen". It is in Puck's POV. It's basically Puck's thought's after book three. I really enjoyed this one but it was so short! After I finished it I was so shocked it was over and I wanted more. I recommend reading this one before book four because it explains what Puck and Ash do in "The Iron Knight". I loved it and I loved reading in Puck's POV. It was awesome and I obviously gave it 5 Lily Pads.
The third and last novella is "The Iron's Prophecy". This one takes place after the final book "The Iron Knight". It is basically about Ash and Meghan's life after the fourth book. It shows you a little bit of their marriage and their relationship. It also gives you some important information for the next series. I really recommend this one and I think it's really important to read because like I said, it gives you important information about a certain character in the "Call of the Forgotten" series. I would also recommend it if you want more after the fourth book. I loved this novella, it's my favorite one out of the three. I loved seeing Ash and Meghan married and Puck was in it too. It was just so amazing and I gave it 5/5 Lily Pads.
The Guide about the NeverNever was really interesting and I liked reading about all the characters. Overall, if you loved the books, I really recommend reading this one because it's so good! I usually don't like reading novellas for series but I had to read these because the series is so amazing! I definitely think it's worth a buy. Thanks so much for reading and I will have more posts coming soon, bye! :)
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