"A Torch Against The Night" by Sabaa Tahir(Ember in the Ashes #2)
Publication Date-September 8, 2016
Genre-Young Adult, Fantasy
Hardcover Edition-454 Pages
Rating-5/5 Lily Pads
Would I Recommend It? If you loved the first book, you have to read this one!
No Spoilers!!
Favorite Quotes
Page 158-"Always so afraid of the darkness within." Mamie takes my hands. "Don't you see? So long as you fight the darkness, you stand in the light."
Page 380-"Perhaps grief is like battle: After experiencing enough of it, your body's instincts take over. When you see it closing in like a Martial death squad, you harden your insides. You prepare for the agony of a shredded heart. And when it hits, it hurts, but not as badly, because you have locked away your weakness, and all that's left is anger and strength."
Hey guys. I promised you I would write a review for "A Torch Against The Night" once I finished it and here it is. This book took me a long time to read, but it was so worth it because I loved it so much! I loved the first book, but this one was even better. This review isn't going to be as long as the first one because I already said most of my thoughts in my Ember review. I also don't wanna spoil you so don't worry, this review is spoiler-free. I'm not going to describe the plot because of spoilers. So let's get on with the review.
At the end of the first book, I pretty much predicted the ending and knew what would happen in the second book. I'm so happy I was right because the plot of this book was awesome. I loved that Laia and Elias were together more and I loved the journey they went on together. I'll admit that the first book had more of a plot but this one was great too so I gave it a perfect rating.
Of course I loved the writing in this book. She's becoming one of my favorite authors because I really like her writing style. Also like with the first book, I loved that this book was also in first person narration. I loved that we also got Helene's pov this time too. I liked reading inside of her head.
The pacing was pretty good in this book. I wasn't bored. It wasn't as fast paced as the first book but it wasn't a boring sequel at all. The ending was awesome!
I bought the UK hardcover for this book because I like the UK cover so much better. The American cover isn't bad, but I think the gold and the colors are much prettier on the UK cover. The blue font for the American cover is boring to me so that's why I own the UK edition. Both covers are gorgeous though.
I really like the world and setting of these books. They are very unique and different from other YA Fantasy books I've read. I would not want to live in this world though, it's horrible, lol.
I'm not gonna go into too much detail about the characters because I already talked about them in my review for the first book. I still love Laia, Elias and Helene. Elias is definitely my favorite character in this series. He is so amazing and he's such a good person. I feel so bad for him because he's been through so much and doesn't deserve all the cruelty and harsh treatment. I just love him so much! He's definitely my new book boyfriend. Laia is so much stronger in this book, I love how kick butt she is. I liked Helene in the first book but this book made me like her even more. I felt so bad for her too. I'm not going to talk about the side characters because I would have to spoil the book for you and I'm not doing that. I try to keep all my reviews spoiler-free.
Even though I was kind of frustrated because this book took me forever to read, I also didn't want it to end. I loved the ending but I need more. I can't wait for the next book. I enjoyed reading this book, this series is so great but it's also heartbreaking. I couldn't imagine living in that cruel world. Overall this book was an amazing sequel. It's so worth a buy and I highly recommend Torch if you loved the first book. I obviously gave this book 5/5 Lily Pads.
So that was my review. Thank you so much for reading! It really means the world to me. :) I'll have another post up soon so stay tuned. Have a great day and happy reading!
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