Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling(Harry Potter #6)
Genre-Middle-Grade, Young Adult, Fantasy
Paperback Edition-652
5/5 Lily Pads
Would I Recommend It? Of course, it's Harry Freakin' Potter!!
Some Spoilers!!
Favorite Quotes:
"It is the unknown we fear when we look upon death and darkness, nothing more.”
“We must try not to sink beneath our anguish, Harry, but battle on.”
“Do you remember me telling you we are practicing non-verbal spells, Potter?" "Yes," said Harry stiffly."Yes, sir." "There's no need to call me "sir" Professor." The words had escaped him before he knew what he was saying.”
Hey guys! It's been a while since I last posted. I was pretty busy with the holiday season so I didn't get to read much. I started reading "Half-Blood Prince" in December but I didn't finish it until now because I haven't been reading much. I wanted to read some HP in December because it's the perfect month to read and watch Harry Potter. I started the book around the holiday time but it took me a while to read and I'm so glad I finally finished it. This book was so amazing! If you didn't know, this is my first time reading the series so this was my first time reading "Half-Blood Prince" and I loved it so much! Let's get on with the review.
Since this is the sixth book in the series I'm not going to describe the plot because I feel it's not really necessary and I don't want to spoil the book for those who haven't read it. So let's move on.
This is the first book I've read in 2017 and it was a great way to start out the year!
I really loved the plot for this book. I was actually spoiled for the whole series so I knew everything that happened but it was still fun to read. I feel this book had more of a mystery aspect to it than the other books. Well, all of the books have mystery in it but maybe it intrigued me the most in this book. Even though I already knew who the "Half-Blood Prince" was it was cool to see the characters figure it out. The pacing was done really well, I liked that this book focused more on day to day life at Hogwarts. I liked the lessons that Harry got from Dumbledore, it was so interesting to learn about Voldemort's backstory. This is definitely one of my favorite books in the series after "Goblet of Fire". I really loved that Snape finally got the position of the "Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher". I wish we saw more of that class though, we only saw one class for that subject throughout the book. I really liked reading about Potions with Professor Slughorn, it was cool to see Harry excel at Potions for once. The whole "Half-Blood Prince" topic was so awesome. The book was just so interesting and it definitely made Potions a lot funner to read.
Finally, let's talk about the characters. Of course I loved Harry, he's one of my favorite book protagonists of all time. I just love him so much! I don't have to explain why. Of course I love Ron and Hermione and the whole gang. I really like that we got more of Ginny in this book because I love Ginny. She's such a great character. The relationships were interesting in this book. I'm a Ron and Hermione shipper and this book was hard to read because Ron went out with Lavender and Hermione was so heart broken. I felt so bad for her, she obviously really liked Ron but he doesn't see it. I didn't like Lavender, she was annoying and very clingy which I hate. However, I loved Harry and Ginny's relationship in this book. Their friendship and romance was so sweet and cute, they are the perfect couple. I never really liked Draco but this book made me like him more. I sympathized more for him in this book. I felt so bad for Draco, he was obviously going through a tough time. I do like him now, he's a great character. I love him almost as much as I love Snape. Snape's one of my favorite characters in the series. The ending was so sad though. I already knew what happened but it still killed me. I will always love Dumbledore, I will never forget him. Before I end this review, I want to tell you what I learned from this book.
What I learned from this book:
I learned that you should never judge or hate an enemy even if they're not a good person because you never know what they are going through in their life. Harry always had a grudge for Draco, and in this book you have to feel sorry for him. Draco gets a task from Voldemort to kill Dumbledore and it completely takes over his life. He's always miserable and he cries in the bathroom. I felt so bad for him because he was in a tough situation because if he doesn't do the task, Voldemort will kill him and his family. Even Harry felt bad for him. This book even made me feel bad for Voldemort because I learned his backstory and felt bad that he grew up as an orphan. However, it is our choices that make us who we are. And Lord Voldemort chose to make the wrong choices.
That is my review for this amazing book. I obviously gave it 5/5 Lily Pads. It's definitely worth a buy. Everyone should read the Harry Potter series, it is so amazing and very eye-opening. I can't wait to read "Deathly Hallows" but I don't want the series to end. I'll probably read it sometime in 2017 though so stay tuned for a review for it. Thank you so much for reading this review. I really appreciate it. I hope you are having a great day and I also hope 2017 will be an amazing year for you. Thanks again for reading and happy reading! :)
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