Genre- Young Adult, Paranormal, Science Fiction and romance
Paperback Edition-350
4.5 Lily Pads
Would I Recommend this book? Yes
No Spoilers!!
Hey guys, I'm back with a review. This morning I finished "Opposition". I'm not going to describe the plot because my reviews are spoiler-free. This review is going to be very quick because I don't have much to say without spoilers. Basically, I really enjoyed this book. This book is probably my least favorite in the series. I love this series, I really do. It's one of my favorite series. It was a good book but for some reason I had a hard time getting into most of the book. I was honestly bored throughout most of the book. I don't know if it's because I just finished Origin and I was getting sick of this series or the series just felt long to me. I found myself getting distracted and my mind kept wandering which usually doesn't happen when I read books. The first half was fine it was mostly the second half that bored me. I sort of wanted to just get the book over with so maybe I didn't enjoy it as much as I wanted to. That's why I gave the book 4 Lily Pads, just because I was bored at times. But like I said, I still love this series so much! I still love Katy and Daemon and all the side characters. This book was a great conclusion. It wrapped up very well. Overall, this was an amazing series and I highly recommend everyone to read it if you love paranormal books. My favorite book in the series is still "Opal". I wouldn't recommend this series if you hate all the YA tropes because this series has like every trope in it. I didn't mind that and it was very cliche and cheesy but those books are my guilty pleasure books. This series is definitely worth a read and you should buy all the books because they are all awesome and they're easy to binge read. So that was my review. Thank you so much for reading. Have a great day and happy reading! :)
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