Stealing Parker by Miranda Kenneally (Hundred Oaks #2)
Paperback Edition-242 Pages
Genre- Young Adult, Contemporary
5/5 Lily Pads
Would I Recommend It? Yes!!
No Spoilers!!
Hey guys, I'm back with a review. Today I am reviewing "Stealing Parker". This is the second book in the "Hundred Oakes" companion series. If you guys didn't already know, Miranda Kenneally is one of my favorite authors. Catching Jordan is one of my favorite books so I really wanted to read her other books. This one didn't disappoint me, I loved it! It was amazing! Read on see why I loved it.
The Plot
Parker Shelton pretty much has the perfect life. She’s on her way to becoming valedictorian at Hundred Oaks High, she’s made the all-star softball team, and she has plenty of friends. Then her mother’s scandal rocks their small town and suddenly no one will talk to her.
Now Parker wants a new life.
So she quits softball. Drops twenty pounds. And she figures why kiss one guy when she can kiss three? Or four. Why limit herself to high school boys when the majorly cute new baseball coach seems especially flirty?
But how far is too far before she loses herself completely?
My Opinion
I loved this book so much you guys! This book was awesome, I liked Catching Jordan better but this one was so good!
First of all, I love Miranda's writing style. It's really simple and easy to read. Her books are the perfect beach reads because I can fly through them so fast. I just love her style and she writes a lot of dialogue which I love.
The plot of this book was awesome. It reminded me of Catching Jordan because it revolves around a sport. The main character Parker plays Softball. I loved reading about it because I played Softball for a year when I was younger, and I used to always go to my sister's games. But yeah the plot is very simple. It's basically just about Parker finding herself and wanting to stay true to herself. This book taught me to be who you want to be. Don't be someone people want you to be, be yourself basically. It's such a simple message but honestly I really needed to hear that right now.
The Pacing was perfect. This book is really short but it was wrapped up perfectly and I was never bored.
Last but not least I wanna talk about the characters.
One of the reason's why I love her books so much is because she's so good at developing characters. Her characters are so amazing and likable.
First of all, I really liked the main character Parker. She was a typical girl and she used to be a really good Christian girl. First off, I loved that she was a Christian because I am and I'm from a Christian family. A lot of times in the book she was at church and she was questioning her faith. I just loved the religion part of the book and I feel that more books need to have religion in them. Even though she was a Christian, Parker wasn't perfect. There were times where she didn't act like one. I just really liked her character, she changed a little at the end which was awesome. Just like with Catching Jordan I loved all of her guy friends. Parker's friends ditched her because of something that happened in her family. I'm not gonna say what it is because I don't wanna spoil it for you. Basically something happened and they don't wanna be friends with her anymore. I hated the girls, they were so mean and they went to Parker's church. They didn't act like Christian's at all, they were really mean to her. I loved her guy friends. She has a best friend named Drew and I really loved him. I absolutely loved her friend Will(Corndog is his nickname). I loved him so much because he was such a great guy! He is a Christian and he's from a Christian family and he was so nice. I loved reading about his family and I loved that he has an autistic little brother, he was so cute. The romance was so amazing! I was rooting for them the whole time. I just loved their chemistry. I'm not gonna say who she ends up with but I liked that it wasn't the "cliche" romance. She ended up with someone different. There was sort of a love triangle in this book. Parker manages for the boys Baseball team and there's a new young coach named Brian. Parker falls for him and she becomes torn over two guys. I wasn't a huge fan of Brian. I liked him at first but I found the student teacher relationship creepy because she's seventeen and he's twenty-three. Let's just say, I didn't want her to end up with him.
Another reason why I loved this book so much is because my favorite characters from Catching Jordan are in this book. I loved Sam and Jordan and I'm so glad they were in this book. It was so cool to see them again. I missed them after finishing Catching Jordan.
Overall this book was amazing of course. If you guys love Contemporary books you need to read this series. It's so good and very underrated. Please read these books, Miranda needs more recognition. If you wanna read a quick easy Contemporary, I would highly recommend these books. If your interested in this series, I recommend to read Catching Jordan first. You don't have to, but it's a companion series so I recommend it first. So that was my review. This book is definitely worth a buy and thank you so much for reading! I'll have more posts coming up soon so stay tuned for more. I love you guys :)
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